Sabtu, 16 Maret 2019

101 Reasons to Own the World Greatest Investment Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway eBook Robert P Miles lesen UQE

101 Reasons to Own the World Greatest Investment Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway eBook Robert P Miles Kostenlose Bücher online zu lesen GNC

101 Reasons to Own the World Greatest Investment Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway eBook Robert P Miles Kostenlose Bücher online zu lesen 101%20Reasons%20to%20Own%20the%20World%20Greatest%20Investment%20Warren%20Buffett%20Berkshire%20Hathaway%20eBook%20Robert%20P%20Miles


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  • Discover why the model-investment-firm-turned-household-word is the perfect investment--for virtually anyone
    Robert Miles is a successful entrepreneur, business owner, and investor who believes that everyone can be a smarter investor regardless of background, education, and income. In fact Miles says that one investment is ideal for virtually everyone to own--Berkshire-Hathaway. Miles has attended the annual shareholders meeting for years, has met Warren Buffett, and is considered a company "insider" and Berkshire-Hathaway expert. In 101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment, Miles offers his insights into what makes Berkshire-Hathaway so profitable and why shareholders get such value for owning the stock. Among his explanations Berkshire-Hathaway is run sensibly and frugally by Buffett--there are no lavish corporate head-quarters or extravagant spending by company executives. The company invests in companies it determines will produce steady profits for the shareholders rather than those companies with a history of erratic performance. This accessible, well-researched look at the leading company's investment strategy has received an "unofficial" endorsement by Buffett himself.
    Robert P. Miles (Tampa, FL) is an entrepreneur and owns a small business. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan Business School, has been an active shareholder of Berkshire-Hathaway for a number of years, and is frequently asked to speak to other investor groups about Buffett.
    ebook,Robert P. Miles,101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway,Wiley,Investments Securities - General,Accounting - General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Accounting / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / Mutual Funds,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / General,BUSINESS ADMIN MGMT - INVESTMENT,Berkshire Hathaway Inc,Business Economics/Accounting - General,Consumer Finance,Finance accounting,Geld, Bank, Börse,General,General Adult,HC,HC/Ratgeber/Recht, Beruf, Finanzen/Geld, Bank, Börse,Investment securities,Investment Finance,Investments,Investments Securities - General,Investments Securities - Mutual Funds,Investments;United States.,Mutual funds,Mutual funds;United States.,Non-Fiction,Personal Finance,Personal Finance - General,Ratgeber,Recht, Beruf, Finanzen,United States,reasons; worlds greatest; investment; miles; company; robert; every berkshire; book; interested; follower; morgan; great; investors; tool; financial; companies; future; motley; cofounders; fool; public; annual; mutual fund; charity; theory,Accounting - General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Accounting / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / Mutual Funds,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / General,Business Economics/Accounting - General,Investments Securities - Mutual Funds,Personal Finance - General,Consumer Finance,Investment Finance,Berkshire Hathaway Inc,Buffett, Warren,Investments,Mutual funds,United States,Business Economics,Personal Finance,Finance accounting,Investment securities,HC/Ratgeber/Recht, Beruf, Finanzen/Geld, Bank, Börse

    101 Reasons to Own the World Greatest Investment Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway eBook Robert P Miles Reviews :

    Discover why the model-investment-firm-turned-household-word is the perfect investment--for virtually anyone
    Robert Miles is a successful entrepreneur, business owner, and investor who believes that everyone can be a smarter investor regardless of background, education, and income. In fact Miles says that one investment is ideal for virtually everyone to own--Berkshire-Hathaway. Miles has attended the annual shareholders meeting for years, has met Warren Buffett, and is considered a company "insider" and Berkshire-Hathaway expert. In 101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment, Miles offers his insights into what makes Berkshire-Hathaway so profitable and why shareholders get such value for owning the stock. Among his explanations Berkshire-Hathaway is run sensibly and frugally by Buffett--there are no lavish corporate head-quarters or extravagant spending by company executives. The company invests in companies it determines will produce steady profits for the shareholders rather than those companies with a history of erratic performance. This accessible, well-researched look at the leading company's investment strategy has received an "unofficial" endorsement by Buffett himself.
    Robert P. Miles (Tampa, FL) is an entrepreneur and owns a small business. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan Business School, has been an active shareholder of Berkshire-Hathaway for a number of years, and is frequently asked to speak to other investor groups about Buffett.

    ebook,Robert P. Miles,101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway,Wiley,Investments Securities - General,Accounting - General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Accounting / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / Mutual Funds,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / General,BUSINESS ADMIN MGMT - INVESTMENT,Berkshire Hathaway Inc,Business Economics/Accounting - General,Consumer Finance,Finance accounting,Geld, Bank, Börse,General,General Adult,HC,HC/Ratgeber/Recht, Beruf, Finanzen/Geld, Bank, Börse,Investment securities,Investment Finance,Investments,Investments Securities - General,Investments Securities - Mutual Funds,Investments;United States.,Mutual funds,Mutual funds;United States.,Non-Fiction,Personal Finance,Personal Finance - General,Ratgeber,Recht, Beruf, Finanzen,United States,reasons; worlds greatest; investment; miles; company; robert; every berkshire; book; interested; follower; morgan; great; investors; tool; financial; companies; future; motley; cofounders; fool; public; annual; mutual fund; charity; theory,Accounting - General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Accounting / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Investments Securities / Mutual Funds,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / General,Business Economics/Accounting - General,Investments Securities - Mutual Funds,Personal Finance - General,Consumer Finance,Investment Finance,Berkshire Hathaway Inc,Buffett, Warren,Investments,Mutual funds,United States,Business Economics,Personal Finance,Finance accounting,Investment securities,HC/Ratgeber/Recht, Beruf, Finanzen/Geld, Bank, Börse

    101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway - edition by Robert P. Miles. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading 101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway.


    Product details

    • File Size 2193 KB
    • Print Length 272 pages
    • Publisher Wiley; 1 edition (March 11, 2008)
    • Publication Date March 11, 2008
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    • ASIN B000V9GRMK
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